Wai Yu is our head coach and is founder of KK Fencing. 

You can contact him at info@kkfencingclub.co.uk

First Session FREE!

If you haven't tried fencing before, how do you know if you are not good enough? Get out of your comfort zone and come and have a go at it!t is FUN! Everyone has to start somewhere and it is never too late to start!


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Is it dangerous?

No, fencing is not a dangerous sport. Specialist equipment and clothing ensures that the fencer is completely safe. When performed correctly, a hit in fencing shouldn't hurt at all.

Is there a maximum / minimum age?

We like children to be over the age of 7 before joining our club. With regard to maximum age - you are never too old! Fencing is an ideal sport for all ages, improving fitness and developing coordination, balance and confidence.

Is fencing expensive?

Fencing has a reputation of being an elite sport, however, this is not the case. Equipment is provided by the club, but many people prefer to buy their own eventually. 

How do I get started?

If you'd like to try fencing please fill in our Contact Us form. At KK Fencing your first session is free - so come along and give it a try!